I just wanted to share some of the feedback we've gotten from teachers at the local high schools we went to last year. Many of you ladies may not have participated, but know that hearing the true side of adoption has been well received and impressed a lot of young people and teachers who at first were very nervous about allowing us to come.
Some feedback:
Corona H.S.
"You were the highlight of the year according to the students!"
Desert Vista
(Last semester after we presented) "Thank you so much for doing your presentation to my classes today. The students were really engaged and were interested in what you had to say. So, thanks for taking of your time to come and talk to them! The birth mother that talked before the presentation was awesome! I had a student (that had been adopted) come up to me after and said that for the first time she doesn't totally hate her birth mother. She now can see that she was being so selfless when she placed her for adoption, it wasn't because she didn't love her. It's nice to have such immediate feedback and impact!"
Gilbert H.S.
"You guys were awesome!"
Compadre H.S.
"we would love to have you back for next year. I`m hoping I can work something out with a couple of teachers here so we can get kids released from class when you come so we can can reach a broader audience"
Mesquite H.S.
"I need to just let you know that you guys were FABULOUS!"
Marcos De Niza H.S.
"I would love for you to come back to Marcos and share your information. We had you last year and it was one of the most amazing presentations I have ever sat through. The students have a totally different take on adoption after hearing your birthmothers and adoptive moms."
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