Thursday, January 20, 2011

the beautiful blessings that come from adoption.

Even before an actual placement occurs, a special bond is created.
between a mother in need of support and a couple so desperately waiting to become a family
two mothers, not ever speaking to each other before, instantly have a loving bond
a bond that no words can describe.
its both a sacred and indestructible bond that no amount of hate could ever brake
an unwed mother thats looking for the perfect family to raise her child
a couple that just simply yearns to become a mother and a father.
adoption is a beautiful blessing in so many ways
a child gets a home with everything their birth mom could not provide
2 mothers become the best of friends
and a husband becomes a father

Lizz is just now beginning to understand the blessings to come of her sacrifice. 
in the time soon to come that woman will be her saving grace on her darkest of days
for all eternity will they be connected

adoption is a privilege that so few of us get to experience

1 comment:

Audra Owens said...

Wow Chelsey you are quick! And so wise... I hope you are sensing just how much you have grown.